27 September 2005

In Search of the Valley Movie Teasers

There are a few small teasers available of the upcoming movie about a month long tour of Silicon Valley.

read more | digg story

22 September 2005

Photos from Wednesday

  • Photos

  • Your Mac Life to report from Apple Expo Paris

    This URL will take you to a clip that was a test that they did a few days ago for their new wireless mics. The guys are currently in transit to Apple Expo in Paris. They will be uploading video reports, audio interviews and doing podcasts throughout the show. Keep an eye on the front page of http://www.yourmaclife.com for details.

    read more | digg story

    20 September 2005

    Photos from Tuesday

  • Photos

  • 19 September 2005

    Pissé à Paris

    As I am visiting Paris alone this year, I booked a hotel specifically to be around some people that I had met previously. During the time when I was researching where to stay and finalising the booking, I twice had it confirmed to me in writing that I had booked the same hotel. If I had not been able to do this, I would have booked where I stayed last year which is cheaper, was available at the time and is situated across the road from a beautiful park. That daily walk to and from the Apple Expo through the park was one of the highlights last year. It was also a lot nearer to what seems to be the one vegetarian restaurant in southern Paris.

    What to do now? I'll see what happens tomorrow and maybe enquire about what is involved in leaving this hotel and going to the other one.

    18 September 2005

    Apple Expo Paris

    I'm going to Paris for Apple Expo from Monday to Saturday :)

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